Plastics, Inc. has the experience, resources,
equipment, and most importantly, the personnel, to design,
fabricate, and, if required, install almost any conceivable
thermoplastic or fiberglass fabricated component - from simple
vacuum formed trays to complete turnkey metal finishing systems.
AB Plastics, Inc. has
produced a wide variety of custom tanks, enclosures, guards,
glove boxes, adapter fittings, and other chemical and industrial
process equipment. Additionally,
AB Plastics, Inc. is a
certified and approved Atlas Anchor-Lok System installer. This
revolutionary product utilizes the superb chemical resistance of
thermoplastic materials to protect concrete in corrosive
atmospheres and applications. By affixing specially designed
anchor studs to thermoplastic sheets, Atlas engineers have
developed a sheet lining that can be positively fixed to
concrete surfaces, making it an integral part of the structure.
AB Plastics, Inc. with any
custom fabrication or Anchor-Lok application need that may
